They are quite funny to paint actually, it goes fairly fast, I have now finished the red and have only the faces, the metals and a few touch-ups before they are ready.
Next project will be my Vessel of Judgement, though I should really finish my Knights Errant but they are so daunting to paint (especially after having painted one full unit + ua and Seneschal of Errants Exemplars, AND a unit of KE + Seneschal already).
Though I must say, I am quite pleased with the rate at which I'm getting done with my Menites.
When I'm done with the Daughters I will have TFG + UA, Zealots + UA, Errants + UA, KE, Daughters, Rhoven and friends, and then I haven't even mentioned my solos, jacks and casters! :)
Meaning I have only the KE's on my shelf to finish, and one Crusader, the Vessel, a Repenter and a few solo's to go before all of
it's painted.
Good times, good times.
(Then I have to finish my Merc's and the Skorne....)
The 2012 painting pledge is actually doing wonders for my lazy painting-nerve, I have never finished this many models in such a short time before, and actually enjoyed it, even though I paint "under preassure".
With the rate I'm finishing up models at the moment, I will be out of miniatures to paint by the end of the year, what a disaster!
On another sidenote, by thursday this week, my gaming group will actually invite a more experienced player to join us for some thursday action funsies.
I suspect we will get our asses kicked properly, but I'm still looking forward to it! :)
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