It was actually a few weeks back, but I felt that I might as well type down anything I remember from that fight, since it was our premiere.
We decided to play with the mini's from the starting boxes of our factions, Protectorate of Menoth (pKreoss, Crusader, Repenter, Revenger) for me, and Circle Orboros (pKaya, 2 Argus, Feral Warpwolf) for my friend. So 11p it was.
We had a few misunderstandings and misconceptions since it was our first time, we both did the "40k turn mistake" and moved all of our Warjacks/Warbeasts before shooting with any of them, but decided to let bygones be bygones, at least for now, so we could catch up on the rules.
After a turn or two of mostly searching the rules for "how to do anything..." we ended up in melee, I popped my feat and managed to knockdown all of his models in one go, my Repenter cooked one of his Argus and my Revenger and Crusader killed his Warpwolf (his other Argus had died the turn before), leaving him with just his Warlock, a rather one sided fight, since he got his Argus out of his control range and did not know of my feat.
Plus we had some trouble with remembering his regeneration-rules and my continous effect: fire.
But it was an ok test, we got a feel for it and made lots of mistakes, proper noobs in other words.
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