- I use Games Workshop sprays, for Menoth I use the white one, since I'd rather paint black on white if needed, than the other way around. I have tried Army Painters white basecoat spray but it was total rubbish, thick and clogged up all the details of the mini (had to paint strip it).
- A wash of Gryphonne Sepia (argueably the best colour I have ever used, the uses are so many!) on the entire model, leaving bigger fields of white if they are going to be white later on (like shoulders and top of the Warjacks).
Red colour:
- Red Gore -> Blood Red -> Highlights with Blazing Orange -> Baal Red wash -> Gryphonne Sepia wash.
- Shining Gold -> Gryphonne Sepia wash -> a small highlight with Mithril Silver.
- Regal Blue -> Ultramarines Blue -> 50/50 mix of Ultramarines Blue & Ice Blue -> Ice Blue -> Skull White -> Asurmen Blue wash -> a careful extra shading with the old GW Blue Wash.
- Mithril Silver (drybrush) -> Badab Black wash.
- Dark Angels Green (entire gem) -> a small dab of Badab Black wash at the top of the gem -> Goblin Green at the bottom -> Scorpion Green over a part of the Goblin Green Area -> small dots of white at the top (black area) and bottom (green area)
- Skull White -> two or three washes of Gryphonne Sepia -> one wash of Devlan Mud for the darker parts in the folds etc..
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