tisdag 1 november 2011

New army! Skorne is on the march

Heya everybody!
Hi Dr. Nick!

So, since I desperately (yes, desperately...) needed something else to paint, and more or less every other army in the game was taken by someone else (no need to start duplicates when there are other armies out there imho), I opted for a Cyclops heavy Skorne army.

I'm not too fond of the look of the elephant-monsters so I tried to make a list where they would not be needed, which in it self is pretty hard to do since the Titans are pretty awesome gamewise.
After looking through the miniature range a few times and checking up on the different warlocks I chose eMorghoul with Molik Karn, one Savage and one Brute for 15p.

So far I've had two games with them, one against a new Scyrah player (doesn't really counts as a win) and one against pButchers Khador (20p, I proxied 5p's of Bloodrunners), also a win.

Here are a few pics (please excuse the quality) of the first 15 points of Skorne:

Molik Karn (front and side), an absolute joy to paint.

eMorghoul (the silliest pose ever, and very hard to get a decent photograph of) and Brute


But my urge could not yet be satisfied, so I have already invested in another Warlock, Zaal, and a few other models....

I just love the Ancestral Guardians (which is why I chose Zaal) and decided not to paint them in the obsidian black but a more sandstone-finish (I love Gryphonne Sepia). I will have to get my hands on a bunch of Immortals sooner or later.

Basilisk Krea, I'm not sure if I like the model or not, but it was fun to paint at least, and the animus is very handy against shooty armies.

I wanted to somehow make it look "strange", and so instead of just making its stomach and underside paler, I painted it blue. Turned out pretty ok. :)

WIP Praetorian Swordsman, great unit with Zaal and his feat, plus they are pretty cool looking. :)

And there we are! Hope you enjoy them!

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