I've also bought myself a couple of Paladins, the Avatar, a Dervish and a Vassal of Menoth.
Plus I finally painted my Temple Flameguard that I've had lying in a box for more than a few months.
So, without further ado, here are the models:
(Temple Flamguard full unit + UA, and right is a close up of the banner.)
(Blessing of Vengeance, converted from a Revenger among other pieces and loads of scripture.)
(pSeverius himself, and a Vassal, the gloweffect on the Vassal turned out meh.)
(My Avatar of Menoth with prolonged and "flamed" sword, the original one looks a bit too short and wimpy in my opinion.)
(Paladinsquad of doom (Vilmon in the middle) and my Dervish!)
There you go, hope you like them!
I still have my Vanquisher and a unit of Knights Exemplar to finish... and then the extra Crusader... and the Exemplar Errants... and the 2nd Bastions unit... and my second Reckoner... and eFeora... and the extra Wracks (for Rezniks ability)... and the rest of the Choir... (...and when they're done, I have my Skorne army...)
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