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lördag 22 september 2012

Nightmares made real...

I got (or rather took on...) the work of painting the Cryx Battle Engine, Wraith Engine.

It was a nightmare (har-har) to build, lots of gaps and spikes,
I wanted to try out the great looking OSL from the Wrath-book and sprayed some white on what was to be the inside and I am quite pleased on how it turned out.

Incredibly menacing pose!


 I hope to wreck it soon enough... before it eats my soul.

Long time no update (yet again)...

My latest 65pts
A few weeks back me and my friends jumped at the opportunity to play WM/H with some of Swedens best players in a cup in our local store.

Needless to say, my first game against Legion and Saeryn was ... quite an embarrassement. But I didn't feel so annoyed or irritated as I usually do when I lose. Partly because I have never played against Legion before, and my opponent played one of the best Warlocks in the whole game and is a Protectorate-player.

Anyway, we needed three fully painted 50p lists with reinforcements so I had to work pretty fast to paint up the models needed.

Thought I should share a few pictures of my freshly painted miniatures!
I decided to put down enough work on Eiryss2 to feel really pleased with her, and her cloak is painted with six layers of different greens and a few thinned out washes.

It turned out just as I wanted.

Regarding her base, I have decided to put all of my mercs on cobblestone bases made from greenstuff.

Since I didn't want to bring my favourite 'Casters (for some stupid reason...) I decided on Thyra, Severius2 and Feora2.
I'm not a huge fan of Severius standing on his priests' back so I removed them and made a new base from cork, slates and sand.
My second Reckoner needed a more dynamic pose, so I gave him a new base as well and pulled one leg back and bent one arm a little more outwards.

tisdag 17 april 2012

The Testament and the Vessel of Judgement

Another Warcaster to my collection done and ready to wreck face! :)

(Just gotta fix a few small things and the front arc on the base.)

He didn't fare very well in my first game, but then again my opponent cheated (unknowingly according to him....) so it doesn't really count.
I used to think that I should only get a few casters, learn their playstyles and I quickly decided against a certain few since I thought they were obviously bad.

I also managed to finish my Vessel of Judgement. It will probably be blown apart in round 2 of nearly every game I use it in (not because it's crazy good, but because its a battle engine and I suppose most people tend to give it more credit than it's due), but it's all part of the game.
It just means I gotta finish painting my Menofixer so he can hug it and hopefully repair the eventual damage it's gonna get.

Might have to field it on thursday, 35p late night gaming!

torsdag 5 april 2012

Vs. Cryx and Scyrah

Ahhhhh... I love the smell of Menoth's fury in the morning.
Although the games netted me two losses, I actually won one by default, and lost the other with my flag held high. :)

First battle was against pGoreshade with my brand new Testament-list, where I had him by the balls up until he got help, advice, guidelines, tactics, tips and tricks (basically everything but rolling his dice) from one of the 1337-players we had invited...
He managed to get a slam on my Reckoner, rolling enough to reach the Testament, knocking him over, charging his own models with Goreshade, popping his feat and then charging my sleeping warcaster with the Bane Thralls.

"Game over man, game over!"

... but it turned out he had used a list with 43p and not 35 like I had... meaning I actually won the game by default, but I wont take any credit for it (except pointing it out to him every time I meet him from now on). :)

My next game was 50p of Harbringer against 50p Ossyan.
Prior to the game I thought to myself not to get too stressed up and dismayed over this game, since he was, after all, a much more experienced WM-player than I am, and had built his lists for the Swedish Masters taking place this coming weekend on Gothcon.

We got the "Sacrifice-scenario" (or rather, I rolled for it), which was totally new to me.
I sent my Errants + Vilmon + Nicia + Rhupert + Covenant up towards the control zone. Which was something that turned out fairly effective. :)
In fact, I barely missed one attack roll (I know I missed the first one with Nicia though, otherwise I would've gotten the first point and might've won by CP, but nevertheless) or any of my many, many damage rolls.
My opponent on the other hand missed with more or less everything he threw at me, and when he actually did take my models down, I had tough and no knockdown to celebrate his deeds with.

In the end, he couldn't clear me out of the zone so he had to go for the casterkill, which he succeeded in with 2 jacks, 3 bow-dudes, his caster and a sniper.

So victory was his, and rightly so. :)

After-match thoughts:
• Full Errants + UA + Tough and no KD is pretty freaking silly and hard to get rid off, especially when you throw in Nicia in the mix. Not that she brings any buffs or anything like that, but she is INCREDIBLE. Love the little girl already.
• Bring Vassals. I should've just left the Knights Exemplars at home for this fight, and taken two Vassals to go all-out on shooting with the Vanquisher and Reckoner.
• A 6p Crusader is a perfect "throw away" jack, I had him a bit back to try and use him as a counter-charge-jack in case my opponent played aggressively, but he didn't do anything for the whole game.
• Harby is so much fun to play. :) She needs to be a bit more centered though, even if she at least was way out of range of the Mage Hunters, I might've used her spells a lot more if I didn't play her so overly defensively.

All in all, a great game, and a game where I learned about how other opponents think and act.
He was obviously a bit more experienced than me, both regarding his own list, the scenario and the game as a whole (I have only played Harbringer once before), but it didn't feel like I was totally bashed away.
Given that I rolled very good with my Errants and Nicia, but on the other hand he blasted two of my heavy warjacks in one turn with just 4 Mage Hunters. But it just feels good to know that even if me and my gaming group are still rather new to the game, we are by no means push-overs and totally lost.



Gaming Thursday! +Update!+

Gaming day today, wicked sweet awesomesauce!

Decided to take my Harby list with a few teaks, like so:

• Harbringer +6
- Reckoner 8p
- Crusader 6p
- Hierophant 2p

- Full Exemplar Errants + UA 10p
- Min Choir 2p
- Dartan Vilmon 3p
- Nicia 2p
- Covenant 2p
- Rhupert 2p
- Vassal Mech 1p
- Wracks 1p

35p all in all. I tried something similiar against my main antagonist on oneeyedpainter, and the list was really good, but I want to try out Nicia so she + the Menofixer took the places of two Paladins.

I will also bring my brand new Testament! Although he isn't really finished, I'm hoping he can bring some nice tweaks and shenanigans to the table (incorporeal Avatar.... mmmmmmm) but we will see how it fares:

• Testament of Menoth +6
- Reckoner 8p
- Hierophant 2p

- Avatar of Menoth 11p
- Choir of Menoth 2p
- Full TFG with UA 8p
- Knights Exemplar 5p
- Ke Seneschal 3p
- Vassal of Menoth 2p

Also 35p of nastiness, hoping to have a few nasty tricks up my sleave with either 3 shots from the Reckoner, or a freaky Enliven + Hallowed Avenger move on either the Avatar or the Reckoner.
Let's hope it all goes well, our host has invited two players from (swedish WM/H forums) to come and eat our spleens. It will be fun to try and fight more seasoned players!

I will be back later with the results. :)



My dear friend forgot to tell me that it was 50p today, that schmeghead.

So here's my revised 50p Harbringerlist:

• Harbringer +6
- Crusader 6p
- Reckoner 8p
- Vanquisher 8p
- Hierophant 2p

• Exemplar Errants, full unit + UA 10p
• Choir, min 2p
• Knights Exemplar 5p
• Visgoth Rhoven and Friends 4p
• Dartan Vilmon 3p
• Nicia 3p
• Rhupert 2p
• Covenant 2p
• Vassal of Menoth 2p

I decided to keep the Testament at 35p since I haven't used him before and he seems a bit more demanding and complicated than the Harbringer, I will probably get a 35p game today as well so I will use him anyway.

söndag 1 april 2012

Flaming daughters and salivating fire-robot

Almost got my Fire of Salvation and Daughters of the Flame (I just want to type "Emperor" instead of "Flame" for some reason...).
They are quite funny to paint actually, it goes fairly fast, I have now finished the red and have only the faces, the metals and a few touch-ups before they are ready.
Next project will be my Vessel of Judgement, though I should really finish my Knights Errant but they are so daunting to paint (especially after having painted one full unit + ua and Seneschal of Errants Exemplars, AND a unit of KE + Seneschal already).

Though I must say, I am quite pleased with the rate at which I'm getting done with my Menites.
When I'm done with the Daughters I will have TFG + UA, Zealots + UA, Errants + UA, KE, Daughters, Rhoven and friends, and then I haven't even mentioned my solos, jacks and casters! :)

Meaning I have only the KE's on my shelf to finish, and one Crusader, the Vessel, a Repenter and a few solo's to go before all of
it's painted.

Good times, good times.

(Then I have to finish my Merc's and the Skorne....)


The 2012 painting pledge is actually doing wonders for my lazy painting-nerve, I have never finished this many models in such a short time before, and actually enjoyed it, even though I paint "under preassure".

With the rate I'm finishing up models at the moment, I will be out of miniatures to paint by the end of the year, what a disaster!



On another sidenote, by thursday this week, my gaming group will actually invite a more experienced player to join us for some thursday action funsies.

I suspect we will get our asses kicked properly, but I'm still looking forward to it! :)

lördag 31 mars 2012

Long'o time'o ago'o

Took me long enough to update the blog, sorry about that.

I have been playing loads of games (and buying loads of miniatures as well...), and I even entered the 2012 painting pledge (to paint at least 5p worth of WM/H mini's each month for the whole year), and also sold off my Lizardmen, Chaos (not the Sons of Malice though), Lizardmen and Necron-armies.
So I guess one could say I've really dug myself down in the PP universe.

I have discovered the awesome might of eKreoss T4-list at 35p (I have yet to lose a game with it), in fact it seems so good that I won't use it again for a while (or until someone asks me to play it) and have set my eyes on the Harbringer.
My Warcaster cadre at the moments stands at Harbringer, pKreoss, eKreoss, pSeverius and Reznik.
As soon as I get my Vessel of Judgement together (at the moment it sits there, staring at me, primed and ready to get painted and assembled...) I will try the Holy Zombie Reznik-army. :)
I would also like to try out his NQ theme list "Knocking on Heavens Door" but it requires me to buy a whole lot of Steelhead Mercs so it will have to wait a while.

So for my next caster I went with something less "point and click"-like and I have now set my eyes on the Testament.

Not only is his model made of awesome, he has cool fluff and seems to bring a few funky spells and abilites to the table.
Urcaen's Gate, Essence of Dust, Reclaim and the Omegus are all very neat and interesting (no moar sowlz fer yoo Kricks!), plus I can see uses for all of his spells that might drive a few opponents crazy.

I might pick him up early next week to field him on thursday (if I can get the time for it) together with Deliverers (they can also find a place in a pKreoss pop'n'drop-list).

Guessing I'm up against Circle (as usual...) and Cryx, it might be some interesting match-ups! I will be back with the results!

måndag 21 november 2011

Battle #857 against Circle..

Yup, we fought it out again.

Decided first to make it to 35p, but my friend wanted to try out his new models so we pushed it to 45p instead.
Sadly, no pictures were taken for a few reasons (he had a lot of unpainted models, his daughter wanted a lot of attention, and we were both very very tired).

I needed to use my TFG with UA so the army was based around that, with pSeverius as the Warcaster.
I also had, Bastions, the Avatar, Reckoner, Wracks, Blessing of Vengeance and the Paladinsquad of doom.
We (I) wanted to try out one of the other scenarios, turned out it was pretty much to my advantage, but I swear that was not my intention.

Thoughts from the aftermath:
- TFG + Defenders Ward = a very good frontline / tarpit. A full unit stood their ground against Feastlord, Argus and their defensive stats kept my opponent from even trying to hit them with his Reeve-solo, a full unit of Druids and a Gorax. They successfully camped an objective for three turns without it even getting close to be contested.
- Paladinsquad of doom (Vilmon + 2 Paladins) is crazy good it seems, especially when fielded together. Running up and parking one on one objective won me that one, even while getting attacked by Wolf Riders, the Reeve-solo and the chap leading the summoning stones.
- Blessing of Vengeance: Didn't bring anything extra to the table, sadly. A missed arc'ed immolation was all it was used for.
- pSevvy is great with all his buffs. incredibly satisfying to play with, a powerful backfield caster with an arc node is just silly.
- Bastions survived the slaughter of a full unit of Wolves of Orboros + UA and the onslaught of the Ninja Wolf (Stalker I think it's called) for three turns, enough to hold their objective.
- Avatar is intimidating, and very hard to get rid off. :)

Oh.. and I won. 9 control points in 4 rounds (I had all three points for 3 rounds, while my opponent had 0 points for 4 rounds).
Menoth is pretty powerful in the defensive game with the buffs and elite infantry. :)

Go Menoth!

(Next time I promised to use my Skorne. Just gotta finish painting them...)

måndag 14 november 2011

New Menoth models, yay!

I gave in to the temptation and got myself pSeverius (so far only one short 11p game which ended in a tabled Circle, it was nice!).
I've also bought myself a couple of Paladins, the Avatar, a Dervish and a Vassal of Menoth.

Plus I finally painted my Temple Flameguard that I've had lying in a box for more than a few months.

So, without further ado, here are the models:

(Temple Flamguard full unit + UA, and right is a close up of the banner.)

(Blessing of Vengeance, converted from a Revenger among other pieces and loads of scripture.)

(pSeverius himself, and a Vassal, the gloweffect on the Vassal turned out meh.)

(My Avatar of Menoth with prolonged and "flamed" sword, the original one looks a bit too short and wimpy in my opinion.)

(Paladinsquad of doom (Vilmon in the middle) and my Dervish!)

(And the Wracks, look at the shadows they cast on the table, incredibly awesome looking silhouette.)

There you go, hope you like them!
I still have my Vanquisher and a unit of Knights Exemplar to finish... and then the extra Crusader... and the Exemplar Errants... and the 2nd Bastions unit... and my second Reckoner... and eFeora... and the extra Wracks (for Rezniks ability)... and the rest of the Choir... (...and when they're done, I have my Skorne army...)

onsdag 5 oktober 2011

Battles fought and (almost) forgotten...

Took me long enough to update the blog about the latest developments, I blame my son, and my laziness.

So, we had a few fights a couple of weeks ago, 15p battles, me (Menoth) vs. Khador, Circle vs. Cryx and a lot of talking in between. :)

My fight against Khador went perfect for about 95%. The other 5% cost me my Warcaster. Silly game.

I fielded a 15p eKreoss list consisting of:

- eKreoss
- Crusader
- Dervish
- Min. Choir
- Hierophant (my new favourite)
- High Paladin Vilmon
- 2 Paladins of the wall.

My opponent fielded:

- Butcher
- Dawg
- Destroyer (I think...)
- Juggernaut (I think...)
- Widowmakers

For two turns I just walked upfield, keeping Hymn of Passage up on the Warjacks, and Impervious Wall on the Paladins and hid the rest of the army behind them, he flanked me with his Widowmakers and eventually took out my Hierophant before getting killed by two Paladins and Kreoss.
Upon arriving at his Warjacks he blasted three of my Choir-boys halfway around the world and cut one arm off of the Dervish. The next turn I decided to pop the feat and clear the house of his Warjacks.

Which I did. After my turn was up, all he had left was his Warcaster and his pup.

Up until this point, I had not yet come across anything that could slow me down properly, but now, the last 5% of the game kicked in.

My first mistake was showing my Warcasters face on the wrong side of a building, my second was forgetting about free strikes on his warcaster charging past one of the paladins, and the third was me totally forgetting that wrecked Warjacks leave a wreck marker, slowing advances and giving cover.

Needless to say, the Butcher handed my ass back to me in very tiny kebab-pieces on his charge-feat-totally imba-turn.
He won fair and square, we both forgot about the wreck markers and free strikes (he could've just moved his dog closer to my paladins to deny the paladin any free strikes on the Butcher), but it was a bit frustrating to lose a game like that. I had total control of the board, had both 'jacks left as well as the Paladin Squad of Doom with full boxes. I probably wouldn't have needed the Warcaster to charge in like that.

Well I learned my lesson. (Don't play against Butcher on 15p games that is.)


We also had a few battles at my place the other weekend, mostly 11p battles to get the new players in on it. I think all of them ended with the new guys getting there dreams and hopes crushed by the not-so-polite-but-more-experienced-players. :)

I went up against Circle (yay Circle, that's new) 35 points baby!

- eKreoss (my new favourite)
- Reckoner
- Hierophant
- Min. Choir
- 3 Bastions
- Full Zealots + Monolith (also a favourite)
- Knights Exemplar
- High Paladin Vilmon
- 2 Paladins
- Madelyn Corbeau
- Vassal

Exactly what my friend fielded I will probably never know, but I think he had the following:

- Baldur
- Woldwarden
- Argus
- Gorax
- Warpwolf
- Min. Wolves of Orboros
- Blackclad Wayfarer
- Lord of Feast
- Druid Wilder
- Shifting Stones with Stone Keeper

( <--- Deployment (me on the opposite side).)

Turn 1:
- Menoth:
My first turn ended after me just advancing upfield behind a wall of Zealots and the Paladin Squad running up my left flank and the KE's on the other flank buffed with Sacrosanct. I wanted his Lord of Feast to be forced away from the KE's to use them as a counter charge or something similiar.

- Circle:
He charged my Zealots with his Lord of Feast, killing 5 in one swoop, and advanced towards me with the rest of his army.

Turn 2:
- Menoth:
I popped the mini-feat with my Zealots (basically making them immune to damage for one round) and spread them out in front of the rest of my army and tried to chuck a few bombs at his Warwolf (all but one of them missing the target). With help from the Vassal, the Reckoner then put two large holes in the WaWo (should've fired his gun first, giving the -def debuff on the WaWo, making it easier for the Zealots, but I got that right in the turns to come). My KE's missed the charge on one of the Stones, but I now forced him to charge the KE's with his Argus and Woldwarden, leaving my right flank denied for one turn.
My Bastions charged in and chopped the Lord of Feast to little bits and the rest steadily walked and ran into his half of the field.

His Argus and Woldwarden slew all but one of the KE's making the last surviving one a real monster!
His Warlock moved into position within the wood and the rest walked towards me.

Turn 3:
- Menoth:
I can't really remember exactly what happened during this turn except for me shooting with the Reckoner and throwing all the bombs I could at his WaWo and getting him down to just a few boxes, and charging his Wolves of Orboros with Vilmon (sacrificing him for a charge with the other non-reach-paladins the next turn).


He charged Madelyn, killing her in the process, with his Argus, and shot my last KE (I had totally forgot about him during my own turn) with one of the solos (don't know which). His Wolves ran in to kill Vilmon but only got 4 of his boxes! Great Success! :D

Turn 4:

- Menoth:

eKreoss feat party dancy time! (click it for maximum feeling)
With the pieces now set up perfectly I decided that it was feat-time and popped it early so everyone could make the best use of it. The Bastions slew the Argus, the remaining zealots charged one of the Shifting Stones (rolling double 6 on the damage roll!), one Paladin killed the WaWo, the Reckoner took out the Gorax, Vilmon and the other Paladin killed all but one Wolf of Orboros.
Very devastating for my friend, now missing three out of four beasts and more or less all of his Wolves. Very satisfying for me. The only way he could get out on top was if I screwed up this by myself.

- Circle:
He popped his feat and gave his all to get a few tries at assassinating my Warcaster with his remaining forces, casting spells and trying to spray me with everything he could get in range.
But alas, his overboosted powerfield proved too much and in my next turn my Bastions got his Warcaster down.

Wow. One of the best battles I have ever fought. I went for an infantry heavy army with a solid block of Zealots to both suck up damage on the mini feat, and also trying to focus-bombing a few targets to soften them up for the Reckoner, Bastions and Paladins to finish off.
My plans went perfectly, I decided to sacrifice the KE's (even though they were my latest investment) since they would be too dangerous to be left alive, and also let him charge me with his Lord of Feast. I knew that I would get the counter-charge in my next turn, so better have him downing a few Zealots than charging anything more important.
This made it perfect for my feat-turn, when everthing I wanted to charge was in range of my forces.
The trap slammed shut and killed more or less his entire force in one turn.

eKreoss' feat turn is insane. Especially with this much infantry, I had won half the battle before we even started since I fielded so many models.

Gotta get another big battle again...

tisdag 13 september 2011

15p Menoth Vs. Circle... again...


I'll just keep it short, it has to be getting a bit boring to read these battle rep's now...

PoM (same as last time):
- pKreoss
- Hierophant
- Crusader
- Repenter
- Choir (min)
- Bastions (min)
- Wracks

- pKaya
- Feral Warpwolf
- 2 Argos
- Gorax

We rolled for deployment and I won the roll and opted to go first.

Turn 1:

I advanced up towards the building in the middle, casting Defenders Ward of the Bastions, and casting Lamentation to have it upkept through the battle (pretty effective against Hordes it seems). I then split the force and let the Bastions take the right side of the building and the rest on the left side.

He switched sides with his Wolf and one Argos, splitting the army in two and advance towards me.

Turn 2:

Ok, let's face it, this time I was the lucky one. There was not too many shabby rolls on my behalf this evening, I can only remember two stinky rolls on my behalf, all of the others were average or above. So I guess it evens out in the long run. :)

Anyhow, this turn was when stuff went down hill for my opponent.
I moved Kreoss closer to the building and popped the feat, knocking down everyone of his models in one go. Sweet so far. The Bastions killed the Warpwolf and a boosted Repenter seriously hurt both one Argos and the Gorax, crippling their spirit (I think it was, the one which causes them to be unable to get forced).
The last thing I did was moving up the Crusader next to the Repenter (quite a menacing team).

Wow, he had taken quite a beating, not realizing just how dangerous Bastions-on-the-charge could be (POW12 with Reach and Weapon master + charge is pretty dang nasty), and it cost him his Warpwolf. I can't really blame him though, they got eaten by the Lord of Feast last game, not too inspiring or frightening. Also having two out of three surviving beasts with a crippled spirit might not be a great way to go all in offensively.

He decided to take a few steps back and heal as much as he could to get in for a charge in his next turn.

Turn 3:

I love Reach. It's especially good on slow models, now they got another 2" threat range thanks to it, making them formidable as long as they are not tied up in melee.

This turn, I decided to try to tie up the Warcaster in melee with my Bastions, their Sanguine Bond makes them very hard to kill if used correctly, and then charge in with my Warjacks to finish her off in my next turn.
... and it worked out great. I scored a few boxes on her and opened up for a charge during my next turn.
The rest of the force advanced to go for the kill in the next round.

At this point there really wasn't too much for him to do, he tried to kill the Bastions in melee, but the SB mentioned above was just too powerful and he just managed to kill one of them. And thanks to their ability and a mistake by my opponent by killing them in the wrong order, one of the Argos eventually ended up outside of melee range.

The final turn ended swiftly after I charged his remaining Argos with my Repenter, and killing it and just moving one Bastion slightly behind the other one I got at charge in with my Crusader on Kaya and he made pretty short work of her.

My thoughts after the battle:
Those Bastions are SCARY when they get to charge, also with Defenders Ward on them they are very, very hard to kill, thanks to both the spell and their Sanguine Bond.
I was very satisfied to see him getting lured into my trap (It's a trap!), underestimating the might of the Bastions (thanks to them being useless in our last battle). Also crippling his force early on with the killing of the Warpwolf and the crippling of two other beasts turned the battle in my favour.

Although I must admit, I can't really see the purpose of pKaya on points as low as this, he might've fared better with someone else leading his army.

But still, very satisfying win, my tactics worked perfectly, and for once, the Dice Gods were on my side (probably thanks to my army being fully painted for the first time!).

lördag 10 september 2011

My Menoth army in all its fully paint'edness!

So, here's a few pics of my Menoth army and all that I've painted and finished this far.

Monolith + Holy Zealots and Reckoner and warjacks
(I am very pleased with the stone effect on the Zealots menofix as well as on the weapons on the Reckoner.)

Hierophant and Choir of Menoth
(I think the menofix on the Choir Priest turned out pretty sweet.)

Eiryss and Bastions
(Eyriss cloak was painted with nothing but Thraka green wash, up from a white basecoat.)

Full army shots.
(Pics of the Wracks will be up later, the other cameras batteries went out while taking pictures...)

fredag 9 september 2011

15p Menoth Vs. Circle

I know, it's getting a bit dull reading about me getting my ass kicked all the time but that's all I can give you at the moment. :C

We tried to go for a quick game, but it took us two hours to complete (still a bit noobish I suppose).

This time we didn't take notes when fighting but my friend took a few pics to show off all of our (... my...) new terrain. It looks marvellous, not even since my older 40k days have I played on such a diverse and awesome battlefield with a wizard tower, two ruins, four patches of forests (a few too many when fighting Circle...) and a hill, all of it painted and ready.

(Please excuse the bags in the background, we had laundry day...)

Thoughts from the battle:
  • My opponents feeble double-1 roll on his last Lord of the Feast-attack on my last Bastion. That was _quite_ satisfying.
    Unless you consider the fact that he had just killed the other two Bastions, and then later went on to almost kill my Caster after butchering most of my choir. (Lord of the Feast is retarded awesome, at least on this level.)
  • My own feeble double-1 roll during my feat turn while trying to roast his Argos (with it's survival, this critical miss most likely cost me the entire game... Stupid Repenter...).
  • My opponents inability to roll anything beneath average (except for the above statement).
  • He took down my last boxes on pKreoss with his Warlock on his very last roll for his turn. The EXACT amount of boxes. Insane.
  • My Repenter survived the attacks from a Woldwarden (for two turns) and one Gorax (for one turn) without any system failures. That rocked. Even though I will never forgive him for his critical miss.
  • I lost because I have not yet painted ALL of my army. The dice gods do not favour me yet...
... until next time tree huggers, until next time...

måndag 5 september 2011

Terrain time: Ruins of SvFF

First off, apologies for the crappy pic-quality, I took the shots with my iPhone3gs in bad lighting.

So, I'm currently working on a few wall sections, but got sidetracked when I found a bunch of old 40k ruins (from 3rd edition I think) and decided to make a small ruined building.

I found a few 40k bits to use, and clipped and snapped a few sprue pieces and glued a bunch of small rocks to the base as well.
I found one of the brass sprues with leaves and small branches from the Fantasy Basing Kit and glued them to the side of one of the corner pillars.

At first, I thought I would just turn this into a generic ruin, but after todays totally idiotic decision from the swedish football association (SvFF) I changed one small thing during the painting process.

I sprayed it black, gave it a drybrush with Citadel Foundation Adeptus Battlegrey, a lighter wash of Codex Grey, and for the floor tiles I used a mix between the old Citadel Brown Wash and Scorched Brown, with a drybrush with Bestial Brown, and after that a Devlan Mud wash.

The point was to make it feel abandoned and starting to get overgrown, and I think it turned out good. :)