I'll just keep it short, it has to be getting a bit boring to read these battle rep's now...
PoM (same as last time):
- pKreoss
- Hierophant
- Crusader
- Repenter
- Choir (min)
- Bastions (min)
- Wracks

- pKaya
- Feral Warpwolf
- 2 Argos
- Gorax

We rolled for deployment and I won the roll and opted to go first.

Turn 1:

I advanced up towards the building in the middle, casting Defenders Ward of the Bastions, and casting Lamentation to have it upkept through the battle (pretty effective against Hordes it seems). I then split the force and let the Bastions take the right side of the building and the rest on the left side.

He switched sides with his Wolf and one Argos, splitting the army in two and advance towards me.
Turn 2:
Ok, let's face it, this time I was the lucky one. There was not too many shabby rolls on my behalf this evening, I can only remember two stinky rolls on my behalf, all of the others were average or above. So I guess it evens out in the long run. :)

I moved Kreoss closer to the building and popped the feat, knocking down everyone of his models in one go. Sweet so far. The Bastions killed the Warpwolf and a boosted Repenter seriously hurt both one Argos and the Gorax, crippling their spirit (I think it was, the one which causes them to be unable to get forced).
The last thing I did was moving up the Crusader next to the Repenter (quite a menacing team).
Wow, he had taken quite a beating, not realizing just how dangerous Bastions-on-the-charge could be (POW12 with Reach and Weapon master + charge is pretty dang nasty), and it cost him his Warpwolf. I can't really blame him though, they got eaten by the Lord of Feast last game, not too inspiring or frightening. Also having two out of three surviving beasts with a crippled spirit might not be a great way to go all in offensively.

Turn 3:
I love Reach. It's especially good on slow models, now they got another 2" threat range thanks to it, making them formidable as long as they are not tied up in melee.
This turn, I decided to try to tie up the Warcaster in melee with my Bastions, their Sanguine Bond makes them very hard to kill if used correctly, and then charge in with my Warjacks to finish her off in my next turn.
... and it worked out great. I scored a few boxes on her and opened up for a charge during my next turn.
The rest of the force advanced to go for the kill in the next round.

At this point there really wasn't too much for him to do, he tried to kill the Bastions in melee, but the SB mentioned above was just too powerful and he just managed to kill one of them. And thanks to their ability and a mistake by my opponent by killing them in the wrong order, one of the Argos eventually ended up outside of melee range.
My thoughts after the battle:
Those Bastions are SCARY when they get to charge, also with Defenders Ward on them they are very, very hard to kill, thanks to both the spell and their Sanguine Bond.
I was very satisfied to see him getting lured into my trap (It's a trap!), underestimating the might of the Bastions (thanks to them being useless in our last battle). Also crippling his force early on with the killing of the Warpwolf and the crippling of two other beasts turned the battle in my favour.
Although I must admit, I can't really see the purpose of pKaya on points as low as this, he might've fared better with someone else leading his army.
But still, very satisfying win, my tactics worked perfectly, and for once, the Dice Gods were on my side (probably thanks to my army being fully painted for the first time!).
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