Since I don't have any real 19p list I gave it a try with my 15p Reznick-list + a repenter.
It didn't work out too well...

- Reznick,
- Reckoner,
- Repenter,
- Max. Holy Zealots,
- 3 Wracks,
- Min. Choir
- Madelyn Corbeau
- Hierophant
I had hopes of a possible overpowered assassination-run since we had quite a field to play in, plus Reznik is a monster in melee. At least.. that was the plan...

- Krueger
- Warpwolf
- Gorax
- 2 Argus
- 6 Wolves of Orboros
The roll-off ended with me being the first deployer and attacker.

I placed my Warjacks and Reznick + Hierophant + Madelyn on my far right, for some sort of a flanking manouvre, and my Zealots in the middle of the field, planning to go for a refused flank tactic.

Turn 1:

CO: He started by casting something really nasty on his Warpwolf and made him fly over the building trying to charge my Zealots but he came up just short of them, but in a great position for next round. Otherwise just advancing with his other beasts, then casting something lightning'y (Electrical Tendrils he tells me) on his Wolves, giving them reach and and chain lightning. He then charged them at my Zealots, killing 4 in just two hits. Ouch. First blood to Circle Orboros.
Turn 2:

I decided to sacrifice them to get Reznick into a better position for the next turn, and I felt a bit confident that this might work out according to plan...
CO: Wow. He seriously messed up my plans by going after the two Wracks (yellow circles) that were close enough for him, his remaining Wolf of Orboros with reach blew up the first Wrack, killing all but three Zealots and himself. The remaing Argus then charged my other Wrack, turning two choir boys into mush and hurting my Hierophant and Madelyn with a few boxes, as well as Reznick... Doh.
His WW charged the remaining Zealots and killed the two he could reach (leaving me with just one poor bomb hurling mainiac).
Turn 3:

I decided to go for the kill of his WW since his death would mean that there were not much my opponent could do to hurt me once it was off the field.
I used Madelyns ability to get the extra 3", plus casting Engine of Destruction on Reznick, giving him a wicked 11" charge range with boosted abilities, plus I saved up a few focus to make sure I finished the big bad wolf off.
Two damage rolls of 5 and then 6 on THREE DICE cost me this game, I was nowhere near killing it. It didn't matter that I one-shot his Argus with my Reckoner, or that the Repenter was closing in rapidly on his Warlock. My feeble rolls and overconfidence lost me the game.
CO: He didn't have to do anything really, with three fury-boosted attacks, his Warpwolf ate me alive.
Circle Orboros Win.
All in all, two turns of more or less even destruction on both camps, and on e turn of moronic overconfidence. I should have hung back towards my Warjacks and maybe getting a shot or two off to take him down a few boxes. But I didn't, and my opponent ate me alive fair and square.
His plan to attack the Wracks turned out great, decimating my Zealots and my choir as well as taking a few boxes off of Madelyn, the Hierophant and Reznick. And limit me to just one Wrack.
... can't wait until next time! The Creator shall have his revenge on the heretic followers of the Devourer.
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