After nerd-raging over the swedish football association's latest moronic decision I felt that I needed something else to do, to take my mind off of things.
So, back to the tower I was teasing about a few posts ago, it is now done (might add a few bits when I find my bits box again...).
To get the rough surface I used some filler, and also used it to cover the holes in the base where I used cardboard to make the tower feel higher.
I then sprayed it white (using Army Painters White Primer... since it's utter rubbish using on miniatures), gave it a nice greyish wash and drybrushed it with white. The door and windows were painted in gold and then got a Gryphonne Sepia wash.
For the roof tiles I just washed them with Citadels old Blue Wash (not available anymore) as it coats a bit better than their new one.
In case you can't see it from the poor quality there's a pile of skeletons, a horse skeleton, a chaos star and a broken shield.
Turned out pretty nice I think, could maybe do with a few more "dirty" washes to make it look a bit more intimidating, and also a few more bits to make it stand out better.
It took me a total of two or three nights to finish, although the nights were spread out with about three weeks in between...
So, usable in WHFB or WM alike. Could probably use it in a "backwards planet" gaming table in 40k as well I guess.
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