Welcome to anyone who has found their way here, I hope to bring a few readable pieces about my wargaming experiences as well as one or two pictures of my miniatures.So, this is my story:I started playing the old Heroquest-game when I was very young, and so tried out both Advanced Hero Quest and Tyranid Attack before I had any real concepts of what the hell I was doing, I just loved the miniatures and the cool feeling of storytelling.
And so back in 1995/1996-something when Games Workshop made a real push for their brands here in Sweden, I got into playing Warhammer 40k since I recognized the Space Marines and Tyranids and except for a few years of neglect, never really stopped painting and collecting.
... scary prospect that I have spent more than 15 years in the service of little plastic and metal miniatures...
I started out with some Blood Angels and we used to play 40k together, me and a couple of friends, even though we didn't really have any clue about what we were doing, since the rules are written in a rather advanced kind of english (at least to us 11-12 year old swedish lads).
Eventually we figured most of it out and enjoyed getting our asses kicked by the Eldar player, good times... good times...
We then started Warhammer Fantasy Battle as well, but never really got around to it seriously, expensive mini's and lack of interest made our gaming falter and so we missed out totally on two versions of 40k and WHFB.
No biggie to me, I kept my mini's and collected a few more when I felt like painting something new.
>>>>>>> Fast forward a few years >>>>>
2009, and I realise that I have a friend who plays 40k without my knowledge, BLAST!
So now I'm back again, playing 40k with my Blood Angels and WHFB with Lizardmen.
Only real trouble is, the people of his gaming group are not satisfied with either gaming system, "it's broken... unplayable...".
So they all start talking about changing to Privateer Press' systems of Warmachine and Horde, and well... being a creature with a great need for collecting and painting, I join them.
So now, I have the following armies:
- Blood Angels ~3500p (close to everything is painted)
- Necrons ~ 2000p (very little is painted or even assembled)
- Eldar ~2000p (very little is painted or even assembled)
- Tau ~2500p (little painted but everything assembled)
- Orks ~500p (from the box a few years back, not painted or assembled)
- Lizardmen ~2000p (about half of it painted, everything assembled)
- Wood Elves ~ 750p (nothing painted, most of it assembled)
- Protectorate of Menoth ~ 45-48p (freshly started, more than halfway through the painting)
Probably more stuff on the way later on, I am the father of a little boy who takes up quite a lot of time and funds. In fact he's screaming like a little monster at the moment. I'll be back later...