A few days after our first battle royale we decided to have another scrap, same forces but with a little more experience inside our vests.
This time it went better for my opponent and a lot worse for me.
The first game ended with me having all of my jacks and my caster still on the table and him getting wiped of it.
Now when we faced each other again, things went a lot better for him.
He ran hard up on my left flank, forcing me to move about with my comparably slow warjacks. He locked my Crusader and Repenter in melee, disabling my Repenter fairly easily. I charged in with my Revenger and took out one of his Argos.
He charged his Warpwolf at my Crusader and almost had him down, my warcaster charged up and tried to kill his warlock, but failed with just one box left!
After a teleport of his warcaster he managed to get his big bad wolf in melee with my caster and scrapped him utterly.
Although we did quite a few mistakes this time as well (not using his teleport correctly and so on) it actually felt better, even if I lost.
We both learned how effective a proper assassination-run can be, as well as enjoyed how close I came to victory after I got my ass kicked, and then, just one teleport and a few good hits from his Warpwolf and victory was his.
Very good game and we definately felt that this was a game for us, fast paced, rewarding and punishing and a lot of fun.
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