fredag 29 juli 2011

Third WM-game 11p Menoth vs. Circle

Third is a charm! This time we decided to try and do it more by the book and more unforgiving if we forgot to do certain things (no more 40k-turns and so on), to get a more proper feel of it.

This time it felt like a proper win on my behalf (my first win was just lucky since none of us really knew what the hell we were doing).

Before we started I decided not to let him control my movement, but instead try to make him have to do the regrouping and hopefully giving me a slight advantage.
I placed my warcaster just out of reach from his Argos and "forced" his Warpwolf to take a detour around a building, making me taking on his army in pieces instead of having him smashing into my lines like a coordinated wall of bulldozers like last battle.

He used one of his Argos to try and take a potshot at my caster (I had actually forgot that he could give them pathfinder), but he couldn't really reach him (something like 0,5cm from the 0,5" melee range) and moved up with his other Argos and his warlock on the same flank, leaving his Warpwolf alone on the other.
I decided to pop my feat, knocking down everyone except for his big wolf, killing off both his Argos', he then teleported his WW to his WL to protect him but we both knew it wouldn't end up in any other way than a Menoth win.
Bravely he charged in with his WW and his warlock, and managed to get a few boxes off of my caster due to Kayas reach.
Though after a completely moronic turn I forgot about the "don't think its 40k..."-rule and moved all of my warjacks into melee without using any of them to actually trying to hit the warlock, except for the Repenter which, of course, missed with its attack.
Me being a cocky sunnuvabitch I just boosted an Immolate and threw a fireball at Kaya, wounding her but not killing her.
The next turn was a rather one sided affair though as I managed to take off the last few boxes on Kaya and still having my jacks left (though quite damaged thanks to the WW).

Lessons learned:

- His Feral Warpwolf is REALLY dangerous when he charges, since he is both fast and very powerful, almost managing to scrap my boosted Crusader in two turns of melee (although we later discovered that he had mistakenly used pathfinder on him when he charged).
- Know your reach and range, always meassure using your Casters/Locks control area before doing anything overzealous or stupid, it almost cost me my Warcaster during the first turn.
- Continually ask your opponent about his special abilities on his units, I forgot he could get pathfinder on his Argos!
- Try to keep your spells and feats in mind at all times, "if I wait another round, will I get better effect from it, or should I use it now to force him into changing his battle plan if I can get a few boxes in or even kill something?".
- As a Hordes-player, don't forget you can regenerate some damage using fury, as well as spread your Warlock damageboxes around to beasts in the vicinity.

All in all, a great game for me, a slightly less enjoyable game for my friend (I guess), it's never fun to forget about abilities and missing a vital charge by just a few millimeters.

Hopefully the next game will come in a not-so-far-away future!

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